Friday, February 14, 2020

Ballon photograph Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ballon photograph - Essay Example The best aspect related with Edward’s photographs is that emphasis is on the elements which he is trying to show or exhibit through the lens of the camera. The dominance is generally laid in the fact that the outline within such balloons is made very prominent and this is one of the reasons why focal point and proportions are marked so very distinctively. When the angles are ascertained, the scales are seen to be very proper and there is not any perspective which has not been touched upon in entirety. This is such an important aspect which is represented through the works of Edward Honsford as rhythm is a very essential part of the photographs that he has captured till now. Since he plans quite a lot during shoots, the success factor is made possible through the very same regimes. Thus Edward’s photographs have followed nearly all the principles of art which remain significant within his final outputs. Works Cited Author Unknown, 2010. Edward Horsford Creates Amazing Bu rsting Balloons Photographs (Interview and Tutorial). Found Online at:

Saturday, February 1, 2020

These two places differ Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

These two places differ - Essay Example In contrast, 24 hours gym caters to the lower end of the market and caters to the mass market. Due to the huge disparity of the economic requirements of these two gyms, the people who frequents there can easily be categorized according to their income status. The people who goes to Equinox are typically professionals, business people, some entertainers and their dependents. They are typically well-off and rich and sports with designer clothes during work out. The people in Equinox gym have more choices where to train other than the present gym because of the choices that their economic capacity commands. The type of people who frequents at the 24 hours gym are typically those who belong in the low bracket income and sometimes the unemployed who take fitness to occupy their time. Their choice where to train is limited because budget is a major consideration to them. Their choices are often limited to those similarly priced gym and will have difficulty in moving up to gyms like Equinox because the resource requirements of gyms like Equinox will take toll on their resources. Due to their different economic standing, the interaction of people vary significantly. In equinox, it is observed that people there talks more about their work and business. Sometimes, the gym itself is made as a place to establish business connection. Conversations outside work typically revolves about the latest fad and hobbies like opinions on the latest model of cars, new places to visit, what’s in and what’s out. With regard to their dependents, it is observed that their conversations revolves around fun and how to enjoy life. They usually talk about gadgets and what’s â€Å"cool† today. It is also noticed that people in Equinox are more protocol consicous and more polite compared to those who are in 24 hours fitness gym. In contrast, people at Equinox talks more about issues. Especially on when will this economic crisis will end